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Have Questions? Call Us Today: 1-844-349-4225

Frequently Asked Questions:

Here are some frequently asked questions we get often from clients. If you don’t find the answers you are looking for here please call me at 1-844-349-4225 or message me via live chat in the bottom right hand corner of the page. We are here to help you with any questions you might have. If you would like to order please visit the order now page to get started.

Do I have to pay monthly to fix my website?

No, you do not have to pay a monthly fee to clean and secure your website. We have been doing this for years. Your hosting company and their partners will try to convince you to sign up for a monthly package in order to stay secure. That is simply not true and don’t fall for that trap. We will clean your website and remove the malware plus we will harden your site to protect it from getting hacked in the future. Hardening means we will remove the vulnerabilities that caused you to get hacked in the first place. Most people that have WordPress sites don’t know that all you have to do to stay secure is to do weekly updates. That is why if you are hacked again within 30 days we will fix for free. If you have any other questions please visit the contact us page or you can call me at 1-844-349-4225.

What is the monthly malware protection plan?

The monthly malware protection plan is for websites that are not hacked. Most people with WordPress sites get hacked because they don’t stay up to date with their updates (themes, plugins, WordPress version).

Our monthly plan is not required but only for people that don’t have time to do their website updates. For a monthly fee we will do weekly updates for your site (themes, plugins, Wp version) we will also fix your site for free if it gets hacked while you are on this plan. Click Here to Order Now

How do you order?

Ordering is very simple just click here to visit the order now page. All you have to do is follow these steps:

First, you need to provide your name, best contact email, then select the number of infected websites. You will be given an automatic discount if you have more than one infected site. Next list each infected website (If you have more than one infected site separate them by a comma). Most people don’t know how many infected sites they have on their server so I suggest ordering for one site and then when we scan your server after you order we will let you know of any other sites that are infected and give you a discounted rate.

Next we need to get your hosting login information. We will need one of three options. We will need your cpanel login or your FTP login or your hosting login. We need this in order to get to the backend of your server were the malicious files are located.

The next section is optional and if you have any website logins such as Joomla or WordPress logins please provide them in that box. It is not required but if you have them you can share them there. Also is is a place to let me know anything specific information you want to tell me.

Next click the order now button to make your payment. You can pay via credit card or debit card. All payments are processed through Stripe our credit card processor. We never have access to any of your card information. After your payment is received we will send you a confirmation email letting you know we got your order and that we have checked the login information. There is also a video on the order now page that explains and walks you through the ordering process.

Do we offer a money back guarantee?

Yes, we offer a 100% money back guaranteed service. That means if we cannot clean your site we will refund your money no questions asked. Having said that we have never had a site we couldn’t fix!

Do we offer discounts?

Yes if you have more than one infected website you will automatically get a discounted rate. We have it built into the ordering form but if you order for one site and we later find more than one infected site we will always offer you a discounted rate. We are not here to take advantage of you.

How long do orders take?

Most orders are completed within 24 – 48 hours. We shoot for 24 hours or less. It is more important to have done the job right. I rather take a few more hours and make sure all of the malware is gone and your site is secure.

Why did I get hacked? Why did this happen to me?

If your website is using WordPress there is a 99% chance your got hacked because your website was not kept up to date. You must keep your WordPress plugins, themes, and WordPress version up to date or you will get hacked! The reason for this is because most of these updates are security patches. So if you don’t do them hackers can walk right in your site. Having said that if you do your updates every week WordPress is one of the most secure platforms available. So secure we use it for this website. After we clean and harden your site just stay on top of your updates and you will be fine.

How can we get in touch?

You can click here to visit the contact us page. You have many options to get in touch. Call me: 1-844-349-4225 – We offer phone support so give me a call with any questions you might have.

Live Chat – Click the chat now button in the bottom right hand corner of the page to chat with us. If we dont respond it will turn into a ticket and we will get right back with you.

Email me directly – If for some reason you cannot get through on live chat you can email me at